A digital copy of the publication "History and Archeology of Polotsk and the Polotsk Land": materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference

A digital copy of the printed edition of the Cultural institution of scientific research and education Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve was published :

Гісторыя і археалогія Полацка і Полацкай зямлі: матэрыалы VIII Міжнароднай навукова-практычнай канферэнцыі (Полацк, 1—2 лістапада 2022 г.)/ уклад. Т. У. Явіч.— Полацк: Полацкае кніжнае выдавецтва, 2022. — 360.

ISBN 978-985-7201-26-6.

The collection contains scientific articles on the results of the VIII International Scientific Conference "History and Archeology of Polotsk and Polotsk Land" which took place on November 1—2, 2022 on the basis of the Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve. The reports of the conference participants reflected various problems of history, archeology, culture of Polotsk and Polotsk Region from antiquity to the present day.

The publication is intended for historians, museum specialists, students of historical and cultural specialties and all those who are interested in the history and culture of Belarus.

In the "Our publications" section on the official website of the Museum-Reserve one can look through the contents of both recently published and previous collections of conference materials.