The 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "History and Archeology of Polotsk and the Polotsk Land" was held on November 1-2, 2022

On November 1-2, 2022, the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "History and Archeology of Polotsk and the Polotsk Land" was held at the Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, which was dedicated to the 1160th anniversary of the first mention of Polotsk in the chronicles. This year the conference was held as part of the Year of Historical Memory.

The conference was attended by 40 scientists from Belarus, Russia, Hungary. These are well-known specialists in the field of history (A.K. Kravtsevich, A.V. Martynyuk, A.V. Matsuk, etc.), archeology (O.A. Trusov, E.N. Torshin, S.V. Tarasov, etc.), historical informatics (A.F. Oskin, etc.), art history (M.L. Tsybulsky), museology (T.A. Dzhumantaeva).

The results of scientific research and achievements of the last five years were presented in speeches and discussions. The topics of the conference covered a diverse range of issues of archeology, history, culture and art of Polotsk and the Polotsk Land.

The publication of the collection is planned in the near future following the results of the conference.